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Morphological and physiological variation within Phytophthora capsici isolates from a worldwide collection.
L. GRANKE (1), L. M. Quesada-Ocampo (1), A. Lebeis (1), L. Henderson (1), M. VanOverbeke (1), M. Hausbeck (1). (1) Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, U.S.A.

Sporangial length and width, pedicle length, oospore diameter, sporangia and chlamydospore production, and growth at 32, 35, and 38°C was determined for 124 <i>Phytophthora capsici</i> isolates from 12 countries. Sporangial length (38 to 60 µm), sporangial width (23 to 35 µm), length:breadth ratio (1.34 to 2.07), pedicle length (20 to 260 µm), and oospore diameter (22 to 37 µm) varied widely among isolates. Differences in sporangia production were observed among isolates, and isolates from non-vegetable hosts produced fewer sporangia than isolates from vegetable hosts. When cultures were incubated in liquid medium, 35 <i>P. capsici</i> isolates formed chlamydospores; all of the isolates that produced chlamydospores were originally isolated from vegetable hosts. Most (122 of 124) of the isolates were able to grow at 35°C, but all of the isolates grew poorly at 38°C. The results of this study indicate substantial variation in morphological and physiological characteristics among <i>P. capsici</i> isolates.<p><p>Keywords: Oomycete, Vegetables

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