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Getting engaged in public policy work is easy.
M. L. LEWIS IVEY (1). (1) The Ohio State University, Medina, OH, U.S.A.

Public policy engagement (PPE), within the realm of plant pathology, is a mechanism to define a framework of ideas and values that can be adopted by government to positively impact regulatory measures, funding priorities and laws that address specific issues or needs of members of The American Phytopathological Society (APS) and their stakeholders. Contrary to popular belief, PPE extends beyond lobbying and involves a diverse continuum of activities. Whether you are engaging media–social or otherwise, educating stakeholders, disseminating research, sharing resources, building networks, or supporting grassroots organizations you are working along a range of activities that can influenceo pinions and promote ideas that affect public policy. One's level of involvement in public policy is a matter of choice and can be as simple as writing a letter or sending a “tweet” to a decision maker or as involved as becoming an APS-Public Policy Board intern or board member or speaking in Washington. Public policy activities can occur on a local, state or national scale and engaging decisions makers within each division is equally important. Whether one dives right in or eases in slowly, engaging in public policy activities provides one with the opportunity to raise the profile of issues that are important to plant pathologists, stakeholders and the community as a whole.<p><p>Keywords:

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