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Early Career Award

The North Central Division Early Career Award will honor a plant pathologist belonging to the North Central Division with 10 years or fewer postgraduate experience. The award recognizes early-career scientists for their contribution to discovery, learning, and/or engagement in plant pathology in the North Central region in research, extension, teaching, and/or industry.

While active participation in the North Central Division is not a prerequisite for this award, primary consideration will be given to nominees that have regularly attended division meetings, presented or had students give oral and/or poster presentations at division meetings, and currently or have previously held a division office.

The award shall consist of an appropriately lettered certificate, a $250 monetary award, and recognition at the North Central Division meeting. If possible, the awardee(s) should be present at the awards ceremony during the annual meeting to receive the award. Travel expenses will not be covered for the awardee to the meeting.

The following items are required for nomination: (1) a letter of nomination (maximum 2 pages) that fully describes the achievement(s) of the nominee; (2) a résumé or short curriculum vitae for the nominee (maximum 2 pages); and (3) one letter of support that seconds the nomination. If possible, the nomination should be done without the nominee's knowledge.​

The Award Committee consists of two former recipients of the award and one additional member from the NC region appointed by the institution hosting the APS-NC meeting.​

The entire nomination package should be submitted via email as a single PDF file and e-mailed to current Division President, Megan Kennelly, at by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 17, 2024.



2023  Sally Mallowa

2022  Ashok K. Chanda

201​​9  Andrew Friskop

2018  Febina Mathew

2017  Damon Smith

2015  Amanda Gevens

2014  Samuel Markell

2013  Kiersten Wise

​2012  Alison Robertson