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​​​​Foundation Contributors​​

Thank you, Foundation Donors!

​It doesn't matter how large or small your donation is, what matters is that you care enough to give. By working together and pooling our resources, we can create a self-sustaining treasury of fund​s for advancing the study and practice of plant pathology. 
​​​ ​Established Funds​​Giving​​ Options​ ​​​Donate Today

FY24 Donor C​​lub Report (as of 6/30/24)​

​Legacy Club ($50,000 +)

​Platinum Club ($20,000- $49,999)

​Executive Club ($10,000 - $19,999)

​​Alvarez, Anne
Browning, J. Artie
French, Edward & Delia
Harold R. Brown Foundation
Martyn, Raymond Jr. 
Mathre, Don
Niederhauser, John & Ann
Schroth, Milton & Nancy
Sherwood, John & Marie
Steadman, James
Tarleton, Raymond
​Bayer Crop Science
Chase Agric. Consulting, LLC
Coakley, Stella Melugin
Cohen, Susan
Draper, Martin
Dubin, H. Jesse
DuPont Pioneer
Gorenz, August
Kuc, Karola
Rowe, Randall
Shurtleff, Malcolm
Syngenta Crop Protection
Tolin, Sue

​Abawi, George
APS Northeastern Division
APS/APHIS Virus Committee
Aycock, Robert & Elsie
Bergstrom, Gary & Frances
Cook, R. James & Beverly
Dow AgriSciences
Fletcher, Jacqueline
Fry, William
Gleason, Mark
Goeppinger, Mrs. Walter
Gubler, Carol
Gutierrez, Mario
Hastings, Dwight
Keen, Noel T. 
Leach, Jan & Tisserat, Ned
Muse, Ronald
Nelson, Steven
Paddock, William
Seem, Robert
Sequeira, Luis
Tammen, Jim & Marilyn
Viadaver, Anne
Wallin, Jack & Janet
Yulee Seed Company

​Five K Club ($5,000 - $9,999)

​​Presidents Club ($2,500 - $4,999)

​Agdia Inc.
Allen, Caitilyn
Amador, Jose
APS Office of International Programs
Boehm, Michael
Brakke, Myron
Cali, Brant
Chinese Society of Plant Pathology
Corteva Agriscience
D'Arcy, Cleora
Daughtrey, Margery
Deep, Ira
Dezoeten, Gustaaf
Dolezal, William
Du Toit, Lindsey
Eversole, Kellye
Eyal, Yona
Flor, Harold
Ford, Richard
Frank, James
Fulton, Jeanette
Grogan, Raymond
Ishimaru, Carol
Jacobsen, Barry
Jardine, Doug
Kontaxis, D. G.
Leavitt, George
Madden, Laurence
Miller, Sally and Chip Styer
Paulus, Albert
Quigley, Malcolm
Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
Schafer, John and Joyce
Scherm, Harald
Schumann, Gail
Smart, Christine
Stakman Fund
Sumner, Donald
Tally, Allison
Thomas, H. Rex
Williams, Paul
​Albert Levin Trust
​Apple, J. Lawrence
Aycock, Suzanne
Babadoost, Mohammad
Barker, Kenneth
Beadle, Danise
Blumenstock, John
Bowen, Kira
Canadian Phytopathological Society
Carroll, Nona Beth
Chemtura Corp
Chevalley Hiss, Judith
Delp, Charles J.
Dillard, Helene
Eastburn, Darin M
Enebek, Scott
Fulton, Joseph
Fungicide Resistance Action Cmte
Gadoury, David
Green Jr., Ralph
Gylling, Steven
Hammerschmidt, Raymond
Hammond, Rosemarie
Hanson, Linda
Jenkins, Andrew
Jones, Alan
Kelman, Arthur
Kingsland, Graydon
Klopfenstein, Ned
Landis International Inc.
Litzenberger, Samuel
Loper, Joyce
MacDonald, James
Manion, Paul
Maxwell, Douglas
McBeath, Jenifer Huang
McMillan, Robert Jr.
McNabb, Harold  Jr.​

Meiners, Jack
Mellinger, Charles
Metz, Paul
Mills, Dallice
Mitchell, John
Moyer, James
Murray, Timothy
Nelson, Richard
Ogawa, Marge
Palm, Mary
Purdy, Laurence
Samac, Deborah
Sanjaya, Rajaram
Shurtleff, Janet​
Slack, Steven
Stack, James
Testen, Anna
The Phytopathological Society of Japan
Thomas, Carla
Thomas, Samantha
Thomason, Ivan
Tomaso-Peterson, Maria
Tweedy, Billy
Urbez-Torres, Jose Ramon
Van Alfen, Neal
Walkinshaw, Charles
Windels, Carol
Zentmyer, George & Dorothy
Zoller, Broc​

​View FY24 Dono​r Report for complete listing of donor club levels.