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Submit an Image

Share your valuable images with fellow members of the plant pathology community, and be recognized for your contribution as the photographer and/or contributor. Your image and the informational text you provide about it will be reviewed by APS PRESS, and you will be notified of their decision.

Submit an Individual Image

Use this option to submit five or fewer images. To describe your image, complete the APS Image Submission Form.

Submit Your Images

Submit an Image Collection

Use this option to submit more than five images. To organize your images, complete the Scientific Data Chart for APS Images.

Data Chart​ 

Directions for submitting your images are provided with the chart.

If your images are not yet in digital format, consider having them scanned at a service called Scan Café. Detailed directions for submitting images are provided at the easy-to-navigate Scan Café website. Scan Café will give APS members a 30% discount off the standard rate by providing this information on the order form:

Attention: APS scanning order—to be handled by Alan Baig

If you have questions about submitting a collection of images to APS, contact APS Image Database​. ​