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Cross-Protection of Grapefruit from Decline-Inducing Isolates of Citrus Tristeza Virus

November 1999 , Volume 83 , Number  11
Pages  989 - 991

C. A. Powell , R. R. Pelosi , P. A. Rundell , E. Stover , and M. Cohen , University of Florida, IFAS, Indian River Research and Education Center, 2199 S. Rock Road, Ft. Pierce 34945-3138

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Accepted for publication 13 July 1999.

The ability of three mild isolates of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) to prevent natural infection of 84 Ruby Red grapefruit on sour orange rootstock by aphid-transmitted, decline-inducing isolates of CTV was assessed by symptoms and verified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) after 16 years. Of 21 trees in each of four treatments protected by the DD 102 bb, Guettler HS, and DPI 1-12-5-X-E mild CTV isolates, 14, 10, and 14% were infected by severe isolates (MCA13 monoclonal antibody reactive) compared with 67% for unprotected control trees. The health of trees protected by the DD 102 bb CTV isolate was significantly better than that of unprotected control trees as measured by decline, tree ratings, and tree height. These data suggest that infection by certain mild isolates of CTV can cross-protect grapefruit trees on sour orange rootstock from decline-inducing isolates of CTV that are prevalent in the Indian River region of Florida.

© 1999 The American Phytopathological Society