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​​​​​​Plant Health 2020 Online FAQ

View answers to common questions asked by registrants and attendees.​

General Questions
  • ​Why was Plant Health 2020 transitioned to a virtual event?
    The APS Council consulted with industry and academia leaders and partners, assessed the feedback from the recent Plant Health 2020 survey, and discussed options with our onsite venue in Denver. After thoughtful consideration of the needs of all parties, the decision was made to transition the Plant Health 2020 onsite meeting into a virtual experience—Plant Health 2020 Online. 

    It was important that a safe and globally accessible solution was provided when gathering our professional community in the pursuit of “Scientific Credibility: Changing the Climate.” This was the best and safest course of action for members and attendees worldwide given the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

  • What factors were taken into consideration when making the decision to move the event online?
    The health and safety of all involved drove the final decision to make Plant Health 2020 a fully virtual event. Many factors due to the pandemic were considered when making this difficult decision, including:

    • Global travel restrictions and company/university travel bans
    • Shelter in place mandates across the U.S.A. and globally, impacting onsite participation
    • Anticipated self-quarantine and social distancing requirements extending well into the future
    • Unprecedented cancellations of other domestic and international events ​

  • Why wasn't Plant Health 2020 postponed for a later date so that we could all gather together in person as originally planned? 
    We could not postpone the meeting for a later date for a variety of reasons. Some of the key reasons for this decision included:

    • The inability to confidently predict a future date where travel, budget, governmental, and strict safety restrictions due to the pandemic would be lifted for all of our global attendees.
    • Timeliness and relevance of the leading scientific content that is planned in our robust program. We are eager to share the excellent keynote and plenary speakers, special and technical sessions, and ePosters that have been scheduled, and to provide access to multiple networking opportunities where you can discuss strategies, job opportunities, and help each other during this challenging time.

  • What is meant by a “virtual event”?
    Our virtual solution aims to provide an engaging, accessible, and inclusive platform to enable our global community to connect, learn, share knowledge, and advance this year’s mission of “Scientific Credibility: Changing the Climate.”

    The virtual event will allow participants to easily access important topics, research, and content that was originally developed for the onsite experience. The new, virtual experience will also provide opportunities for participants to network, connect, and share knowledge, products, and solutions. APS is working diligently to develop this informative and engaging virtual experience. More specific details regarding our virtual event will be shared by APS in the coming days via email and the Plant Health 2020 Online website.

  • Will the virtual event be held over the originally scheduled dates? ​
    At this time, we intend to hold the live virtual event from Monday, August 10 to Friday August 14, around the same dates as the originally scheduled onsite event. We also intend recorded content to be accessible to attendees well into the future, based on registration type. APS is working diligently to transition the onsite program to a virtual experience. We thank you in advance for your patience as we develop an inclusive, virtual experience. More details regarding the virtual format and programmatic approach will be shared in the coming days. Continue to visit the Plant Health 2020 Online website​ for all the latest information.

  • ​How will I be able to access the virtu​al content?
    APS has acquired Zoom licenses for meeting content and staff has been well trained on the platform. Zoom meetings will be used to conduct Committee meetings the week prior to Plant Health 2020 Online. The Zoom Webinar platform will be used to deliver annual meeting Plenary, Special, and Technical sessions as well as Workshops.

    ​Zoom can be easily accessed on computers/laptops, smartphones, and tablets/iPads. If your organization blocks Zoom, you could use a personal computer, phone or tablet to view live content from a network that is not connected to your workplace. Additionally, attendees that register under the Premium and Unlimited tier have access to recorded sessions for On Demand viewing at a time that better suits their needs.

  • Can I still use the mobile app?​
    ​All registration tiers (Basic, Premium and Unlimited) will have access to meeting content on a dedicated website that you can access through your prefer​​red browser on a computer, smartphone,​ and tablet/iPad. Those registered under Premium and Unlimited tiers can access meeting content in our mobile meeting​ app. The mobile meeting app will be the same that you've seen in previous years with all the same features, including Program Guide, Poster Abstracts, Technical Abstracts, Exhibitor and Sponsor Information,  as well as the ability to communicate and schedu​le meetings with fellow paid attendees. The app will also have links to new virtual content, such as ePosters, Live Q&A and Polling. ​
Program/Presenter Questions
  • Do I need to be registered for Plant Health 2020 Online to present my abstract?
    Yes, as with past onsite annual meetings, you must be registered in order to present your abstract. Presenters MUST register at either the Premium or Unlimited rate by July 10, 2020, or the abstract will be withdrawn from the meeting. All presenters will be hearing from APS Headquarters via email in the coming days with important instructions on presenter registration. There will also be information for ​presenters on the Plant Health 2020 Online website.​

  • I'm an oral presenter of either a special or technical session. What will happen to my session in the virtual event? 
    All speakers will be hearing from APS Headquarters via email in the coming days. Please continue to prepare your presentation. We are planning to include all Special Sessions, Technical Sessions, and Posters in our virtual format. All registered presenters will have their abstracts published and will be able to include their session in their resume/CV as a conference presentation.​

  • I need to prerecord my presentation. How do I get started?
    APS will provide more information to registered speakers on how to prerecord and upload their presentations prior to the start of Plant Health 2020 Online. We will ​send out a speaker toolkit that includes best practices for this purpose. This information will b​e shared with all registered presenters in the coming days in​ speaker email communications and on the Plant Health 2020 Online website.

  • Will posters be included in the virtual event? 
    Yes, Plant Health 2020 Online will include ePosters. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to interact with attendees through our ePoster platform. APS Headquarters will email out more information on ePosters and post updates on the ​ Plant Health 2020 Online website​ in the coming days.
Registration Questions
  • When will registration open for Plant Health 2020 Online? 
    Registration will open on June 15. Rates and other important registration information will be posted to the Plant Health 2020 Online website one week prior to registration opening.

  • What is the difference between the registration tiers? 
    The registration tiers correlate to the level of access to the virtual program content a registrant receives and how long they have access to it. You can learn all about the registration tiers and what they include by visiting the Plant Health 2020 Online registration page.

  • I registered for Basic but wish to upgrade to either the Premium or Unlimited virtual content. How do I do that? 
    You can upgrade your registration to a different tier at any time! There are two ways to do this:

    • Modify your registration yourself via the link in your confirmation email. Click the link, add an "Upgrade" ticket, and checkout. You can pay for your upgrade directly and this is the fastest way to gain access. Please allow 24 hours for your change in registration tier to go through. 
    • Email or call the Plant H​ealth 2020 Online Registration Desk at +1.651.454.7250 to have your upgrade and payment processed manually.  ​
  • What is the cancellation/refund policy for Plant Health 2020 Online?
    Cancellations MUST be made in writing and received by APS no later than July 24, 2020. Cancellations received by this date are subject to a $25 processing fee. Registration cancellations received after July 24, 2020, are NOT subject to a refund. You may transfer your registration to another member of your organization.​ After July 24, requests to change a registration from your current tier to a lower tier cannot be processed.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Questions
  • What happens to the sponsorship dollars my company gave now that Plant Health 2020 Online is fully virtual?
    We are happy to work with each company directly with their available options. Sponsors can reach out to Brianna Plank via our contact form.

  • Can I get reimbursed for my Plant Health 2020 exhibit booth now that Plant Health 2020 Online is fully virtual?​
    Please contact Brianna Plank directly via our contact form, who will gladly review all exhibitor options.

  • What other options do I have to engage with virtual event attendees?​
    As part of the virtual event experience, we are exploring several options to provide our valued exhibitors an effective way to engage prospective and ​nurture current customers. Brianna Plank will be reaching out to our exhibitors and sponsors very shortly, or you can contact her directly here​.
Hotel/Travel Questions
  • I secured lodging in Denver, CO over the original in-person meeting dates. What will happen to my hotel/housing reservation?
    Cancellations of any hotel/housing reservations previously made in Denver are the responsibility of the individual on the reservation and must be made directly with the hotel/property and in accordance with the cancellation policy.

  • Does APS reimburse me for any travel expenses incurred (i.e., airfare, rental car fees, visa fees) now that the event has shifted to fully virtual?
    APS is not liable for any travel expenses incurred, which include, but are not limited to, nonrefundable airfares or ticket change penalties imposed by the airlines, r​ental car fees/cancellation fees, visa fees, etc. Please speak directly with your travel vendors, as they may have their own reimbursement options for you.

Additional Questions? ​

In the event we have not answered your questions, please contact us right away. We will address your concerns as soon we are able​. ​
