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​Be. APS members are a community of scientists who dedicate their lives, careers, ​and passion to ensuring​ safe, secure, and sustainable food, feed, fiber, and fuel. Plant pathology is not just what we "do"―it's who we "are." Your active involvement in advocating for the future of plant pathology assures a healthy world for future generations.

Grow. APS Foundation is committed to growing plant pathology. Foundation funds support students and early-career professional members of APS, through a variety of funding opportunities to support travel, research, education, professional development and mentoring ​programs, and other initiatives to increase awareness and support the study and practice of plant pathology.​

Give. Support the APS Foundation. Your contribution creates opportunities​ for APS student and early career professional members helping to ensure a bright future for plant pathology.​

Foundation Board MembersApply for Funding​​ ​​Awardees​

Givin​g O​​ptionsEstablished Funds​​ ​​D​onors​
