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Aflatoxin Occurrence in Maize Samples Collected in Haitian Markets. L. L. Castor, Research Fellow, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108. C. J. Mirocha, and H. L. Chang. Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108, and Research Scientist, Medallion Labs., General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Plant Dis. 71:969-971. Accepted for publication 4 June 1987. Copyright 1987 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-71-0969.

Sixty-nine percent of 268 samples of corn collected from the retail market in Haiti in January, July, and October 1983 and in January 1984 contained aflatoxin. Twenty-two percent contained greater than 20 ppb (µg/kg) of total aflatoxins, and 10% contained greater than 100 ppb (µg/kg). Corn collected from the city of Gonaives consistently contained the highest incidence and the highest concentrations of aflatoxin. The January harvest appeared to yield more aflatoxin-free maize than the July or October harvests. The incidence of storage fungi found in the kernels was correlated with the incidence of aflatoxin. The most common fungi found in the kernels were Aspergillus flavus, A. glaucus, A. restrictus, A. ochraceous, and Penicillium species. Inspection of the coarsely ground maize kernels with ultraviolet radiation was an effective way to detect aflatoxin-containing kernels.