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Effect of Lime and Sulfur Application to Low-pH Soil on Incidence of Cephalosporium Stripe in Winter Wheat. W. W. Bockus, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506. M. M. Claassen, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506. Plant Dis. 69:576-578. Accepted for publication 14 January 1985. Copyright 1985 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-69-576.

Application of lime to soil with an initial pH of 4.8 raised the pH to about 6.5 and maintained it at that level during the 2 yr of the study. Conversely, sulfur application had no effect on soil pH. In the first season after liming, Cephalosporium stripe incidence was 36.1 and 21.8% in the untreated and limed plots respectively; corresponding incidences for the second season were 30.4 and 5.7%. No corresponding yield increase was noted from Cephalosporium stripe control because of severe take-all development in the limed plots.