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Relation of Floral Infection to Botrytis Blossom-End Rot of Pears in Storage. N. F. Sommer, Postharvest Pathologist, Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis 95616. J. R. Buchanan, Specialist, and R. J. Fortlage, Staff Research Associate, Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis 95616; and B. E. Bearden, Farm Advisor, University of California, Cooperative Extension, Ukiah 95482. Plant Dis. 69:340-343. Accepted for publication 22 October 1984. Copyright 1985 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-69-340.

Stamens and styles of Bartlett pears were infected by Botrytis cinerea and other fungi. Retention of colonized floral fragments within the floral tube of the mature pear was associated with blossom-end rot of fruit in storage. Fruit rotting normally occurred late in the storage period, when fruits were judged to be postclimacteric. Spraying blossoms with benomyl at petal fall reduced colonization of floral parts and rot of fruits in storage. Cooling fruits to <3 C before storage at 0 C delayed senescence and provided an effective commercial control.