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Techniques for Inoculum Production and Inoculation of Lily Leaves with Botrytis elliptica. Robert P. Doss, USDA, ARS, Horticultural Crops Research Unit, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory, 3420 N.W. Orchard Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97330. Gary A Chastagner and Kathleen L. Riley, Washington State University, Western Washington Research and Extension Center, Puyallup 98371.. Plant Dis. 68:854-856. Accepted for publication 16 June 1984. This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. The American Phytopathological Society, 1984. DOI: 10.1094/PD-68-854.

Sporulation by selected isolates of Botrytis elliptica occurred readily when the fungus was cultured on potato-dextrose agar under ultraviolet light at 20 C. Microconidia were present after 12 days in cultures grown under the same conditions. Application of conidial suspensions to the undersides of detached Lilium longiflorum cv. Ace leaves followed by incubation for 48 hr at 100% relative humidity and 20 C was nearly optimal for infection and subsequent lesion development. Probit analysis indicated that a spore concentration of 10,000/ml should result in lesion formation in about 50% of the treated leaves. Uninjured leaves became infected only when spores were applied to the undersides. Fungal germ tubes did not penetrate cells on the upper leaf surfaces. Incidence of infection of Ace lily leaves did not vary with plant age or leaf position.
