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Disease Note

First Report of Oat Cyst Nematode in Eastern Washington. S. L. Hafez, University of Idaho Branch Experiment Station, Parma 83660. A. M. Golden, University of Idaho Branch Experiment Station, Parma 83660. Plant Disease 68:351, 1984. Accepted for publication 26 January 1984. Copyright 1984 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-68-351d.

The oat cyst nematode (Heteroderaavenae Mortensen et al 1908) was detected in two pea fields in Whitman County, Washington, in 1983. The fields had been in wheat and pea rotation for many years. The species was found in the United States for the first time in Washington County, Oregon, in 1974, then in California in 1981. This is the first known occurrence of the oat cyst nematode in Washington.