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Association of Cassia Mild Mosaic Virus with Dieback of Cassia macranthera in Central Brazil. M. T. Lin, Associate Professor, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brazil. E. W. Kitajima, Professor, and C. L. Costa, Associate Professor, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brazil. Plant Dis. 64:587-589. Copyright 1980 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-64-587.

A slightly flexuous rod-shaped virus measuring 650 × 15 nm was isolated from leaves of Cassia macranthera which showed chlorotic spots, vein chlorosis, and mild mosaic. The virus was identified as cassia mild mosaic virus (CaMMV) based on symptoms, host range, physical properties in vitro, serology, and reproduction of the symptoms in C. macranthera seedlings mechanically inoculated with CaMMV. Field observations of apparently healthy and CaMMV-infected C. macranthera trees indicate the association of CaMMV infection and dieback.