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Molecular Plant Pathology

DNA Probes for Detection of Mycoplasmalike Organisms Associated with Lethal Yellowing Disease of Palms in Florida. N. A. Harrison, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, 3205 College Ave., Fort Lauderdale 33314; C. M. Bourne(2), R. L. Cox(3), J. H. Tsai(4), and P. A. Richardson(5). (2)(3)(4)(5)University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, 3205 College Ave., Fort Lauderdale 33314; (3)Present address: Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, University of Florida, Gainesville 32610. Phytopathology 82:216-224. Accepted for publication 23 September 1991. Copyright 1992 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-82-216.

Five EcoRI restriction fragments consisting of chromosomal DNA of the mycoplasmalike organism (MLO) associated with lethal yellowing (LY) disease of Manila palm (Veitchia merrillii) in Florida were cloned and identified. When used individually as [32P]dATP-labeled probes in dot and Southern hybridizations at high stringency, four of five probes consistently hybridized to DNA extracts derived from LY-affected palms only. At moderate stringency, all probes hybridized with DNA of other MLOs that occur in Florida, and three probes also hybridized to DNA of several Acholeplasma and/or Spiroplasma species. In addition to Manila palms, probes detected the presence of LY MLO DNA in DNA samples extracted from heart tissues of LY-diseased true date (Phoenix dactylifera), cliff date (P. rupicola), Chinese fan (Livistona chinensis), and five coconut (Cocos nucifera) palm cultivars. Probes also hybridized to DNA from symptomatic Caryota rumphiana and L. rotundifolia, two palm species previously not known to be affected by LY disease.