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Resistance to Pseudomonas solanacearum in Potato: Specificity and Temperature Sensitivity. E. R. French, Head, Pathology Department, International Potato Center, Apartado 5969, Lima 100, Peru; Liliam De Lindo, research assistant, International Potato Center, Apartado 5969, Lima 100, Peru. Phytopathology 72:1408-1412. Accepted for publication 16 March 1982. Copyright 1982 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-72-1408.

In growth chamber experiments, plants of susceptible and resistant potato cultivars were inoculated with Pseudomonas solanacearum by soil infestation without wounding (SI) or by stem puncture (SP) and maintained in warm and cool regimes (28/16 and 20/8 C day/night, respectively). SP and warm treatments each increased susceptibility. Latent infection developed at cool temperatures in cultivars inoculated with SP, but not SI, and at warm temperatures with SI (those inoculated by SP were all rated susceptible). In a factorial experiment with plants of seven potato cultivars and seven P. solanacearum strains conducted in a screenhouse under warm conditions, disease ratings were consistent with field results. Resistance derived from Solanum phureja has been found to be adequate for the Andean highlands. For warmer climates than those in which potatoes are usually grown, integrated control measures will be needed to control the disease.