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Physiology and Biochemistry

Production of Host-Specific Toxins by Helminthosporium victoriae and H. maydis in Liquid Shake Culture. J. L. Van Etten, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68583; J. M. Daly, professor, Laboratory of Agricultural Biochemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68583. Phytopathology 70:727-729. Accepted for publication 21 January 1980. Copyright 1980 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-70-727.

A method is described for growing a uniform suspension of Helminthosporium victoriae hyphae in liquid shake culture or in a small fermentor. Such cultures produced host-specific toxin within a few days and the titers were equivalent to those produced in surface cultures grown for 3–4 wk. H. maydis host-specific toxin also was produced in liquid-shake culture. In addition to saving time, an advantage of shake or fermentation cultures was the rapid depletion of residual nutrients in the medium.