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Resistant and Susceptible Reaction of Soybeans to Peanut Mottle Virus. J. W. Demski, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, Experiment 30212; C. W. Kuhn, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, College Station, Athens, Georgia 30602. Phytopathology 65:95-99. Accepted for publication 31 July 1974. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-65-95.

Seventy soybean cultivars and breeding lines were screened for reaction to peanut mottle virus (PMV). Fourteen cultivars were highly resistant to infection. Symptoms were not produced on resistant cultivars (with the exception of a few plants we considered derived from contaminated seed), and the virus could be isolated from only two of 674 plants. The resistance was effective under field conditions, and aphids could not transmit PMV to resistant cultivars. The incubation period and PMV concentration was similar in three susceptible cultivars; cultivar Laredo, however, had a longer incubation period and less virus in the lower leaves than the other susceptible cultivars. PMV significantly reduced plant height and yield of two susceptible cultivars in field tests.

Additional keywords: Glycine max, immunity, growth study.