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Relationships Among Isolates of Pea Seed-Borne Mosaic Virus From the United States and Japan. G. I. Mink, Plant Pathologist, Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Prosser, Washington 99350; T. Inouye(2), R. O. Hampton(3), and J. E. Knesek(4). (2)Virologist, Institute for Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Okayama University, Kurashiki, Japan; (3)Research Plant Pathologist, Plant Science Research Division, ARS, USDA, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331; and (4)Research Virologist, M. D. Anderson and Tumor Institute, University of Texas, Houston 77025. Phytopathology 64:569-570. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-64-569.

A seed-borne virus disease of peas described in Washington, Oregon, and Wisconsin was found to be related serologically to pea seed-borne mosaic virus described in Japan. The discrepancies among particle length measurements reported for the U.S. and Japanese isolates appear to be due to methods which were used to prepare the U.S. isolates for electron microscopy.

Additional keywords: symptomatology, epidemiology.