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Serology, Physical Properties, and Purification of Unaggregated Infectious Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus. Willem G. Langenberg, Research Plant Pathologist, Plant Science Research Division, ARS, USDA, and Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68503; Phytopathology 63:149-154. Accepted for publication 9 August 1972. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-63-149.

A method is given for rapid purification of unaggregated, infectious maize dwarf mosaic virus-B (MDMV-B) using a nonionic detergent and without use of organic solvents. Yields of purified virus varied from 0.5-2.8 mg/100 g infected tissue. None of the antisera produced against virus purified by utilization of chloroform, detergent, or urea reacted with healthy corn juice in liquid precipitin tests. However, the antisera produced precipitin lines in agar diffusion plates against healthy corn juice. MDMV was very sensitive to RNase. Infectivity was destroyed within 30 sec by 1 µg/ml RNase in 1:10 diluted juice buffered with phosphate and containing 0.02 M 2-mercaptoethanol. Virus remained infectious in 1:10 diluted juice up to 24 hr and for 2.5 years in frozen dried leaves. MDMV-B had a 280/260 ratio of 0.82, and a sedimentation constant of 167 S.

Additional keywords: RNase susceptibility, serology.