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Insect Transmission of Ceratocystis Species Associated with Aspen Cankers. T. E. Hinds, Plant Pathologist, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, USDA, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, in cooperation with Colorado State University; Phytopathology 62:221-225. Accepted for publication 6 September 1971. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-62-221.

Numerous insects which frequent fresh aspen bark injuries can transmit the following species of Ceratocystis: C. alba, C. crassivaginata, C. fimbriata, C. moniliformis, C. minor, C. pilifera, C. populina, and C. tremulo-aurea. Certain insects belonging to the Nitidulidae, Rhizophagidae, Staphylinidae, and Drosophilidae families spend parts of their life cycles in fungus mats formed in the wounds. Stem inoculations proved that nitidulid beetles, Epuraea spp. and Colopterus truncatus; rove beetles, Nudobius corticalis and Quedius raevigatus; and a root-eating beetle, Rhizophagus brunneus were all vectors of C. fimbriata and other Ceratocystis species. Three of the insects carried at least three species of Ceratocystis upon emergence in the spring from overwintering pupae. Five species of Ceratocystis were recovered from surface-sterilized Glischrochilus vittatus. Nitidulids are considered the principal vectors of Ceratocystis canker of aspen in Colorado.

Additional keywords: perithecial succession, soil isolation, fungus inoculum.