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Biological Effect of Panogen PX in Soil on Common Root Rot and Growth Response of Wheat Seedlings. S. H. F. Chinn, Plant Pathologist, Research Station, Research Branch, Canada Agriculture, University Campus, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Phytopathology 61:98-101. Accepted for publication 26 August 1970. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-61-98.

Addition of Panogen PX at the rate of 5 ppm of the active chemical, methylmercury dicyandiamide, to soil had little direct effect on conidia of Cochliobolus sativus, the causal pathogen of common root rot of wheat. The treatment nevertheless reduced common root rot of wheat seedlings and increased seedling growth. The average decrease in root rot in four tests using different soils was 26.1%, and average increase in dry seedling weight was 30.6%. Some microorganisms, including Penicillium spp., increased profusely in treated soil. Several hypotheses concerning the nature of the mechanisms responsible for reduction in disease are proposed. Increased growth response of wheat seedlings was attributed partially to control of common root rot. Other possible causes of increase in seedling weights are discussed. Addition of Panogen PX at 1 part per million (ppm) had little influence on common root rot and growth of seedlings. At 25 ppm, the treatment reduced the level of disease but was phytotoxic.

Additional keywords: soil microbiology, fungicide, growth of wheat.