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A New Leaf Disease of Ilex spp. Caused by Cylindrocladium avesiculatum sp. nov.. D. L. Gill, Research Plant Pathologist, ARS, USDA, Tifton, Georgia 31794; S. A. Alfieri, Jr.(2), and E. K. Sobers(3). (2)Plant Pathologist, Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville, Florida 32601; and (3)Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station. Phytopathology 61:58-60. Accepted for publication 5 August 1970. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-61-58.

Cylindrocladium avesiculatum sp. nov. causes a severe leaf spotting, defoliation, and twig dieback of Ilex cornuta, I. crenata, I. opaca, and I. vomitoria. Small chlorotic spots that became purplish black as they enlarge characterize the disease. Mature lesions are circular to subcircular, up to 15 mm in diam, and frequently zonate, with grey to tan centers and wide, purplish-black margins. In cross-inoculation tests, C. avesiculatum and C. scoparium were pathogenic to leaves of I. cornuta, I. crenata, I. vomitoria, Rhododendron obtusum, and Pyracantha coccinea. The most significant morphological feature of the pathogen is its avesiculate stipe, although on occasion a slight clavate swelling may occur at the apex.