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Differences Among Lines and Varieties of Maize in Susceptibility to Damage by Storage Fungi. E. Moreno- Martinez, Research Associate, Instituto de Biologia, Dpto. Botanica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 70-233, Mexico 20, D. F., Mexico; C. M. Christensen, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55101. Phytopathology 61:1498-1500. Accepted for publication 19 July 1971. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-61-1498.

After storage for 63 days at 85% relative humidity and 20-25 C, samples of 15 varieties of maize previously inoculated with a mixture of storage fungi ranged from 25% to 97% in germinability. After storage for 44 days at 85% relative humidity and 26 C, germination percentage of 65 lines that had been previously inoculated with a mixture of storage fungi ranged from 0 to 91%. At the end of the storage tests, kernels of the varieties and lines of high viability were bright and sound, and those of low viability were decayed. Inherent differences may exist among varieties and lines of corn in susceptibility to invasion by, and damage from, storage fungi.