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An Evaluation of Propagules of Cylindrocladium scoparium in Soil by Direct Isolation. Walter G. Thies, Research Assistant, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706; Robert F. Patton, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706. Phytopathology 60:599-601. Accepted for publication 14 October 1969. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-60-599.

A method which was a refinement of washing and wet-sieving techniques was developed for the direct isolation of Cylindrocladium scoparium from soil, and for the quantitative estimation of the relative number of microsclerotia of the fungus in soil. Microsclerotia were first separated from most of the soil on the basis of size and density. These propagules in a measured sample were then allowed to germinate and grow on a selective medium where they could be counted.