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Viability of Stored Bromegrass Seed and Seed-borne Spores of a Leaf Spot Pathogen. J. Drew Smith, Plant Pathologist, Canada Department of Agriculture, Research Station, University Campus, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Phytopathology 60:1470-1471. Accepted for publication 30 April 1970. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-60-1470.

The survival of spores of the common leaf spot fungus, Selenophoma bromigena, on seed of Bromus inermis stored at controlled humidities for 16 months appeared directly related to per cent relative humidity (RH). Spore counts steadily declined as per cent RH increased. While spore germination declined sharply to zero between 50 and 70% RH, seed germination was high and not affected by this change. The differential effect of RH on spore and seed viability may have practical applications in ridding seed of this and other pathogens.