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Phytopathology January, 1984
Volume 74, Number 1

American Phytopathological Society Board & Staff.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Acknowledgment of Reviewers. Pages 1-4. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Seventy-Fifth Annual Report of the American Phytopathological Society.  Pages 8-25. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Presidential Address

Excellence in Plant Pathology. R. E. Ford. Pages 25-30. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

APS Elected and Appointed Officers, Representatives, and Committees for 1983-1984. Pages 31-32. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Fellows of the American Phytopathological Society. Pages 33-40. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ruth Allen Award. Pages 40-41. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Lee M. Hutchins Award. Page 41. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Award of Distinction. Pages 42-43. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE



Walter Hagemeyer Burkholder, 1891-1983. R. L. Millar, W. F. Rochow, and L. J. Tyler. Page 44. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Letter to the Editor

An Addition to the Obituary of John Daniel Gilpatrick. M. Weintraub. Page 45. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Vector Relations

Irrigated Corn as a Source of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus and Vector in Eastern Washington. J. K. Brown, S. D. Wyatt, and D. Hazelwood. Pages 46-49. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Identity of Phytophthora Isolated from Milkweed Vine. Eduardo Feichtenberger, George A. Zentmyer, and John A. Menge. Pages 50-55. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Biological Control of Meloidogyne javanica with Bacillus penetrans. G. R. Stirling. Pages 55-60. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

Relation of Tobacco Hypersensitivity to Pathogenicity of Erwinia rubrifaciens. H. R. Azad, C. I. Kado. Pages 61-64. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Botrytis Bunch Rot of Grapes: Influence of Trellis Type and Canopy Microclimate. S. D. Savage, M. A. Sall. Pages 65-70. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Determination of the Number of Genes for Resistance to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Strain A in Five Corn Inbred Lines. Eugen Rosenkranz, Gene E. Scott. Pages 71-76. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Cytology and Histology

Alterations in Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Chlorophyll Content in Rust-Infected Pinto Beans at Different Stages of Disease Development. I. Sziráki, L. A. Mustárdy, Á. Faludi-Dániel, and Z. Király. Pages 77-84. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


New Media for Rapid Growth of Spiroplasma citri and Corn Stunt Spiroplasma. I. -M. Lee, R. E. Davis. Pages 84-89. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Suppression of Conidial Germination of Helminthosporium victoriae in Soil and in Model Fungistatic Systems. Lynn Epstein, J. L. Lockwood. Pages 90-94. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

A New Strain of Southern Bean Mosaic Virus Derived at Low Temperatures. M. H. McGovern, C. W. Kuhn. Pages 95-99. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Isolation and Identification of Races of Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae. C. L. Bender, D. L. Coyier. Pages 100-103. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


In Situ Observations of Phymatotrichum omnivorum with a Borescope Mini-Rhizotron System. C. M. Rush, D. R. Upchurch, and T. J. Gerik. Pages 104-105. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Evaluation of Trichoderma koningii and T. harzianum from New York Soils for Biological Control of Seed Rot Caused by Pythium spp. Y. Hadar, G. E. Harman, and A. G. Taylor. Pages 106-110. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Comparative Virulence of Monokaryotic and Dikaryotic Stages of Five Isolates of Uromyces appendiculatus. J. A. Kolmer, B. J. Christ, and J. V. Groth. Pages 111-113. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


A Simplified Procedure for the Purification of Curly Top Virus and the Isolation of Its Monomer and Dimer Particles. Richard C. Larsen, James E. Duffus. Pages 114-118. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Changes in the Susceptibility of Developing Apple Fruit to Venturia inaequalis. W. F. S. Schwabe, A. L. Jones, and J. P. Jonker. Pages 118-121. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Effects of Microwave Oven Treatment on Microorganisms in Soil. R. S. Ferriss. Pages 121-126. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE