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​Division Officer Resources​

Staff at Headquarters are here to support you. Please use the documents below in building, growing, and running your Division.

The Basics

Division Dashboards

Log into the Division Dashboard to pull rosters that include membership information and division meeting registrations. Download the guide.

Officer Elections and Terms Quick Guide:​​

Download this spreadsheet​ ​for an at-a-glance overview of officer term lengths and whether each is elected or appointed. Please see your division's Constitution/By-laws for specific details, which can be found on your division's landing page.

Check your Division Membership

Division Officers must be current members of their division. You can check your status in your profile, and then renew here.

Expense Reimbursement Form: ​

At your Division Secretary-Treasurer's approval, submit this form with receipts to have your Division reimbursed for officer-related travel. Other expenses should be submitted with relevant receipts to Emma Nygren.

Social Media Kit:

This kit ​contains information about the platforms APS uses, posting best practices, as well as templates you can use to easily share activities to your networks.

Meetings and Events

Division Meeting Checklist

This comprehensive guide lists out vital steps be taken in preparation for your Divison Meeting and recommendations on when.

Meeting Budget Template: **Starting in 2024**

All division events will need to provide a budget to headquarters at the time of submitting an event request. Use ​​this template​​​​​ to build out the budget for your APS Division Meeting.

Signing Contracts for an Event: 

APS Headquarters will need to review and sign contracts for your APS Division Meeting. NOTE: Before APS HQ can sign a contract, a review of the budget is required.

Hotel/Venue Information: 

Download "What to Look for in Your Hotel," the APS venue selection guide.

When submitting your event to APS, the form will ask that you provide meeting history for your APS Division Meeting if you have it. Information to be provided includes actual room nights utilized and final invoices, (e.g., food and beverage, audio visual and meeting room rental spend).

Division Meeting Request Form: 

Fill out ​this form​ to coordinate your meeting needs with APS Headquarters, including meeting details, members of your program team, registration options and rates, abstract submission. Your team may need to fill out the form multiple times as different elements of your meeting are organized.

Abstract Submission Software: 

APS has a new abstract submission software and reports are no longer self-serve. Please reach out to Jordan Maroney to have a report provided.

Division Award Submission Form: 

Fill out this form to coordinate award winners before/after a meeting and request checks, certificates, and plaques.

Division Science Form: 

At the end of your Division Meeting, select the most impactful presentations and sessions and submit this form with your top 2 or 3 (or more!) choices for amplification to the wider APS community (one form submission per presentation). Earn 2 free APS national and division memberships per year for relevant and complete forms that you can award to 2 of these presenters on behalf of your Division.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Division Showcase
  • Billing and Payments

Staff Contacts

Have a question or need? You can reach out to the following APS staff members:

​  Emma Nygren
​Division Liaison
  • ​Initial contact (copy on all email communications)
  • Communications
  • Website
  • Expensing
  ​Jordan Maroney
  • ​Contracts
  • Venue Services
  • Abstracts
  ​Tori Clark
  • ​Meeting Registration
​  Cindy Scheller
  • ​Database Administration
  • Membership
  • Dues
​  Kathy Guderjahn
  • ​W-9 Forms
A more complete list of staff contacts is available here.

​​​Additional Resources

Additional resources available at the Division Officers Community Library​. If you have questions for your fellow Division Officers, you can post a discussion to the Division Officers​ Community.