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SPECIAL SESSION: Bottling breakthroughs: How industry creates plant health products from scientific innovation

New Technology supporting control of airborne pathogens: A start-up company's journey
Glenn Wanke - Scanit Technologies, Inc..

Our idea started in human health. How can we dramatically improve quality of life by speciating airborne particles, like pollens and allergens, to enable people to take preventative actions before becoming symptomatic. And then we met the late Dr. Walter Doug Gubler from UC Davis and we realized the agriculture industry had a unique, unmet need for early identification and quantification of airborne disease spores to allow growers to take action to prevent yield losses. But we are not farmers or plant pathologists. We are hardware and software engineers. Scanit will share their story of how startups, who believe their unique technology can benefit the agriculture industry, approach validating their ideas, getting it into the hands of disease experts and growers, and ultimately chase commercialization amidst a challenging AgTech landscape.