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TECHNICAL SESSION: Mechanisms of fungal and oomycete pathogenicity

Extension education using animated illustrations and time-lapse videos of disease progression - Schroth Awardee
Madeline Dowling - Clemson University. Guido Schnabel- Clemson University

Successful implementation of integrated pest management practices requires an understanding of disease cycles and disease diagnosis. Without this background, growers must rely on spray calendars and often over-use or inappropriately use chemicals to manage diseases. Transmission of this information to growers and agents is often hindered by a dearth of grower-oriented educational materials. Though there are many available disease cycle illustrations, these are generally static, intimidating, difficult to follow, and dated. Reference images and videos used as disease diagnosis aids are often blurry, pixelated, and low-quality. We are currently targeting these problems for gray mold and anthracnose on strawberry and brown rot on peach. We produced a high-quality, jargon-free disease cycle illustration and animation for gray mold on strawberries. To aid in disease diagnosis, we also produced time-lapse videos of gray mold, anthracnose, and brown rot showing every stage of the infection process. The time-lapse images are taken in a studio made to mimic a field setting. We also produced a gallery of professional images for these diseases at the macroscopic and microscopic level. These fresh, intuitive, and scientifically accurate materials can be used by growers to self-educate, by extension educators in grower-training sessions, and by teachers in a classroom setting. The challenges and rewards of creating these materials will be discussed.