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Crop Protection Network: A platform for regional, national and international extension outputs
Kiersten Wise - University of Kentucky. Travis Faske- University of Arkansas, Carl Bradley- University of Kentucky, Albert Tenuta- Ontario Ministry of Agric & Food, Daren Mueller- Iowa State University, Loren Giesler- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Damon Smith- University of Wisconsin-Madison,

The Crop Protection Network (CPN) was established in 2014 as a multi-state and international collaboration of university/provincial Extension specialists and public/private professionals that provides unbiased, research-based information to farmers and agricultural personnel. The goal of CPN is to streamline the collaborative process of creating regional Extension outputs while retaining the unbiased perspective of the land grant universities. Currently, CPN has created several publication series focusing on identification and management of corn, small grains and soybean diseases, and general crop management issues. Over 270,000 publications have been printed and distributed through CPN or downloaded from the CPN website: www.cropprotectionnetwork.org. In addition to crop-specific publications, CPN publishes annual crop yield-loss estimates due to diseases, fungicide efficacy guides, feature articles, videos, interactive web-based tools and annual impact statements. All CPN outputs are as inclusive as possible, with Extension specialists in each state having the opportunity to review outputs related to their specialty. To date, authors from 28 institutions have contributed to CPN publications. These collaborative outputs help CPN achieve the goal of delivering high-quality research-based information to stakeholders.