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POSTERS: Chemical control

Developing cost-effective, sustainable fungicide programs for managing downy mildew on cucumber in Florida
Andrew Shirley - UFL Plant pathology. Gary Vallad- Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, University of Florida

In Florida, managing cucurbit downy mildew (CDM), caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis, is a weekly ordeal. Developing effective fungicide rotations is crucial for successful CDM management while minimizing the threat of fungicide resistance. Based on prior studies, programs were developed using Ranman, Presidio, Previcur, Zampro, Omega, Orondis, Elumin, Zing, and Curzate in weekly rotations with Bravo Weatherstik, compared to an untreated control and a weekly application of Bravo alone for CDM management and yield. The objective was to compare fungicide program cost relative to CDM management and yield. For both trials, various fungicide programs that alternated either Orondis, Omega, Ranman, Zing!, or Zampro with Bravo Weatherstik, provided significantly lower levels of CDM, compared to a weekly application of Bravo Weatherstik. Many of these fungicide programs differed drastically in their overall program cost and will provide growers with potential savings for CDM management. Results and conclusions will be used to improve spray recommendations for the management of CDM in Florida.