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POSTERS: Pathogen-vector/insect interactions

Grapevine vein clearing virus is prevalent in grape aphids
Adam Uhls - Missouri State University. Wenping Qiu- Missouri State University, Xiaokai Bao- Missouri State University, Sylvia Petersen- Missouri State University

Grapevine vein clearing virus (GVCV) is known to be associated with a disease that causes a variety of severe symptoms in grapevines in the Midwest region of the United States. Recent surveys showed that GVCV is prevalent in wild Vitaceae that are native and distributed abundantly in this region. In a recent study, we found that grape aphids (Aphis illinoisensis) are able to transmit GVCV from plant to plant, and that a variant of GVCV infecting a wild Ampelopsis cordata plant caused severe disease on the Chardonel grape cultivar. To investigate the incidence of GVCV in grape aphids feeding on wild vines, we collected aphids and colonizing leaf tissues randomly from native Vitaceae and used PCR assay to determine the presence of the virus in plant tissues, groups of 10 aphids, and single aphids. We found that 81% of the groups of aphids and 52% of single aphids contained GVCV while wild Vitis spp. and A. cordata vines were infected with GVCV at 10% and 34% incidence, respectively. Sequencing of the open read frame (ORF) II, the most diverse region in the GVCV genome, showed that same variants of the virus in single grape aphids were also found in wild Vitaceae and cultivated grapevines. These results provide timely knowledge into the epidemics of GVCV in native habitats and for implementing strategies of preventing GVCV spread in vineyards.