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POSTERS: Chemical control

SP2700-a novel antiviral and antifungal plant activator
Bangya Ma - SePRO Corporation. Tyler Koschnick- SePRO Corporation, Dave Owens- SePRO Corporation, Kyle Briscoe- SePRO Corporation, Michael Shaner- SePRO Corporation

SP2700 (Trade name: NinjaTM) is a biochemical pesticide that manages a multitude of viruses in high value agricultural crops such as tomato, peppers, and cucurbits. It improves host resistance through inducing plant natural defense systems, both systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR), as well as through direct inhibition of the viruses. SP2700 is produced through fermentation of a naturally occurring soil bacterium originally identified in China. In addition to managing plant viral diseases, SP2700 also has shown efficacy against several fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, diseases arising from soil-borne pathogens, rusts and those caused by Alternaria spp. in various crops. Furthermore, it has also been identified as a biological “efficacy enhancer” when used as an additive or in rotation with more conventional pest management programs. Being naturally occurring, SP2700 has excellent toxicity profiles and degrades quickly in natural environments. From 2013-2018 numerous field and greenhouse trials were conducted, which will be reviewed during this presentation. SP2700 offers a novel approach for plant viral and fungal disease management for both US conventional and organic agriculture.