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Opportunities through the Agricultural Microbiomes Research Coordination Network
Jose Pablo Dundore-Arias - University of Minnesota. Linda Kinkel- University of Minnesota, Epidemiology and Ecology of Plant Diseases, Daniel Tomso- AgBiome, Jude Maul- USDA-ARS, Jan Leach- Colorado State University, Posy Busby- Oregon State University

Recent advances in sequencing technologies have resulted in a wealth of microbiome studies to catalog and describe plant-associated microbial communities. However, a lack of coordinated efforts, standard protocols, and communication among microbiome researchers has limited our capacity to understand the factors that influence the diversity, composition, and benefits of plant and soil microbiomes across diverse cropping systems. The Agricultural Microbiomes Research Coordination Network (RCN) seeks to advance understanding of agricultural microbiomes and their relationships with sustainable crop production and disease management. To accomplish this, we are building a coordinated global network of scientists from public and private entities working on developing and applying concepts, technologies, and analytical approaches for agricultural microbiome research. Network participants have the opportunity to engage in training and collaborative activities, and contribute to identifying research priorities and community needs to move agricultural microbiome science forward. The RCN facilitates the development of collaborative synthetic and cross-disciplinary research opportunities, taking advantage of existing research platforms and available resources. Diverse opportunities for plant pathologists to participate in RCN-sponsored collaborative research and publication projects, as well as in workshop attendance and organization, are currently available.