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Poster: Biology & Disease Mgmt: Mycology


Relationship between genetic and morphological characters of Botrytis cinerea isolates obtained of blueberry fields in southern Chile
E. BRICEÑO (1), E. Briceño (1), S. Aguirre (2), A. Behn (2) (1) Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile; (2) Univ austral Chile, Chile

Botrytis cinerea is the most important pathogen in blueberry crops (Vaccinium spp.) in southern Chile. The climate conditions of the zone and the presence of some populations fungicide resistant, increase its incidence. Due to the high morphological variability observed on Botrytis populations, the aim of this work was to characterize isolates from eight locations (Lat. 39º06’S to 41º28’S), in order to establish some relationship between morphological and genetic variability. For this, 39 monosporic cultures of B. cinerea obtained from mature blueberry fruits were morphologically characterized about mycelia color, sporulation level, growth rate, conidia size and sclerotia production. On the other hand, genetic characterization was done by PCR detection of transposons Boty and Flipper, to determinate their genotype. In addition, coding fragments for the MS457 gene were sequenced and phylogenetic tree was built. The genetic studies revealed the presence of four genotypes, predominating Vacuma in the geographic region. The results indicate that the presence of transposable elements does not affect the growth rate of the isolates. However, different sizes of conidia are distinguished by genotype, possessing at least one of the transposons conidia size increases, then Transposa presented conidia larger while Vacuma the smaller. On the other hand Boty produced the bigger sclerotia.