Did you to know that 70 recent and landmark APS PRESS book titles are now available on the same feature-rich platform as Phytopathology, Plant Disease, and Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions?
Our new, responsive eReader functionality makes it easier than ever for library patrons to read our online books. APS PRESS titles are important to educators, so we allow simultaneous access for students and all patrons.
We’ve made this affordable for libraries by bundling our online books into four collections to suit different needs and budgets. We’re also offering our online digital image package which includes more than 7,000 peer-reviewed plant disease diagnostic images:
New Online Books
Perpetual single-site simultaneous access to 2017 and 2018 collection (13 titles)
Backlist Online Books
Perpetual single-site simultaneous access to pre-2017 collection (54 titles)
Quick-Start Online Books
Discounted simultaneous access to all current online books
Disease and Pest Compendia
Simultaneous access to the signature APS Compendium of Plant Diseases and Pest Series (22 titles)
APS Image Database
Phytophthora Protocols
If you opt in for any of our packages before the end of January, APS will provide a 10% discount if you purchase through us directly. If you would like to receive an invoice in December to take advantage of year-end budget allocations, please contact us as soon as possible.
Greg Grahek
Director of Publishing
The American Phytopathological Society