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Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Race 1,2 in Muskmelon Lines Nad-1 and Nad-2

August 2002 , Volume 86 , Number  8
Pages  897 - 900

N. Ficcadenti , S. Sestili , S. Annibali , and G. Campanelli , Research Institute for Vegetable Crops, Via Salaria 1, 63030, Monsampolo del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Italy ; and A. Belisario , M. Maccaroni , and L. Corazza , Plant Pathology Research Institute, Via C. G. Bertero 22, 00156, Rome, Italy

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Accepted for publication 22 April 2002.

Of seven doubled-haploid melon lines parthenogenetically originated using irradiated pollen, two lines, Nad-1 and Nad-2, were selected for resistance to Fusarium wilt after successive inoculations with F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis race 1,2w virulent isolate. Nad-1 and Nad-2 were compared with the commercial hybrids and with the parent cvs. Isabelle and Giallo di Paceco. Evaluation of germplasm extended over a 2-year period showed a higher resistance of Nad-1 and Nad-2 plants to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis race 1,2 than other genotypes tested in this study. The resistance expressed in the two doubled-haploid lines could be due to their homozygous state that maximizes the expression of the genes for resistance already present in the parental line Isabelle. The use of this source of resistance may be exploited commercially either in rootstocks or to facilitate breeding for F1 hybrids. Future research will concentrate on the identification of genetic markers associated with resistance to race 1,2 using these doubledhaploid lines.

Additional keywords: breeding, doubled-haploid, Fusarium wilt, resistance

© 2002 The American Phytopathological Society