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Strains of Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus Compared to Clover Yellow Vein Virus in Relation to Gladiolus Production in Florida. J. Nagel, Graduate student, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611; F. W. Zettler(2), and E. Hiebert(3). (2)(3)Professors, respectively, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611. Phytopathology 73:449-454. Accepted for publication 27 September 1982. Copyright 1983 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-73-449.

In a survey, 92% of all gladioli tested from the United States and Holland were infected with bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV). Isolates of BYMV from gladiolus were compared with BYMV isolates from Trifolium pratense (BYMV-204-1), Pisum sativum (BYMV-P), Alpinia zerumbet (BYMV-A), and Freesia refracta (BYMV-F), and a clover yellow vein virus (CYVV) isolate from T. repens (CYVV-P). The gladiolus isolates of BYMV were indistinguishable in host range tests, but differed from BYMV isolates from other hosts and CYVV. In immunodiffusion tests with antisera to BYMV-204-1, CYVV-P, and a gladiolus isolate (BYMV-G) all of the gladiolus isolates reacted identically but could be distinguished by spur formation from each of the other isolates. The G and 204-1 isolates of BYMV were more closely related to each other than to CYVV-P in immunodiffusion tests; however, in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests, BYMV-G appeared to be only distantly related to either BYMV-204-1 or CYVV-P. The in vitro translation products of BYMV-G were more similar to those of BYMV-204-1 than to those of CYVV-P. The estimated molecular weights of at least three products of CYVV-P differed from the corresponding products of BYMV-G and BYMV-204-1. We believe that the gladiolus isolates were closely related to the isolate from T. pratense and distantly related to the isolate from T. repens.