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Ecology and Epidemiology

Ecology of Cadang-Cadang Disease of Coconut Palm in the Philippines. B. Zelazny, UNDP/FAO Coconut Research and Development Project, PCA, Albay Research Centre, Guinobatan, Albay 4908, Philippines; Phytopathology 70:700-703. Accepted for publication 29 November 1979. Copyright 1980 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-70-700.

The relationship between the incidence of the cadang-cadang disease of coconut palm and variables such as elevation above sea level, abundance of different vegetations, palm density, palm age, soil conditions, and rainfall were studied in up to 574 1 × 1-km plots. Multiple regression models were constructed to determine which factors affect the variation in the incidence of cadang-cadang. However, the best five-variable model accounted for only 21% of this variation. The two most significant variables were elevation and age of the palms, the first was negatively the second positively correlated to the disease incidence.

Additional keywords: disease survey, viroid-like pathogen.