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Histochemical Changes in Oat Cell Walls After Victorin Treatment. Penelope Hanchey, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 80523; Phytopathology 70:377-381. Accepted for publication 29 October 1979. Copyright 1980 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-70-377.

Oat roots treated with victorin showed greater affinity for staining with Schiff’s reagent, silver methenamine, and an alkaline bismuth reagent than did comparable nontreated roots, but no differences were found by using Thiery’s technique. Staining of cell walls, the outer surface of the plasmalemma, starch grains, and Golgi vesicles was reduced by aldehyde-blocking reagents in victorin-treated roots, suggesting that changes in carbohydrates were responsible for the differences observed. Cell wall lesions contained amorphous materials similar in density to the cell wall with all stains used. These results strengthen the hypothesis that wall lesions may result from activation of host cell wall enzymes.

Additional keywords: toxin, ultrastructure.