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Soil Factors Affecting Survival of Microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae. R. J. Green, Jr., Professor, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907; Phytopathology 70:353-355. Accepted for publication 17 October, 1979. Copyright 1980 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-70-353.

Survival of microsclerotia (MS) of Verticillium dahliae was determined over 60 mo in two soil types (Warsaw silt loam [WSL]and Chelsea loamy fine sand [CLFS]) at constant soil moistures of –0.001, –1/3, and –15 bars matric water potential, fluctuating soil moisture (–0.001 bar to air dry) and constant temperatures of 4 C and 28 C. Survival was poorest in the WSL soil type, –0.001 bar, 28 C. In all other treatments there was an initial propagule increase (10–80%) over a period of 3–28 mo followed by a gradual decline. Although differences varied, survival of MS was consistently higher in the CLFS soil type; however, soil moisture and temperature were not major limiting factors in survival except at the combined soil moisture extreme of –0.001 bar and the higher temperature.