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Purification of Arabis Mosaic Virus Isolated from a Jasmine Plant Introduction. H. E. Waterworth, Research Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Plant Introduction Station, Glenn Dale, Maryland 20769; Phytopathology 65:927-928. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-65-927.

A virus serologically identified as arabis mosaic (ArMV) was isolated from a symptomless Jasminum mesnyi (J. primulinum) introduction. Its experimental host range and physical properties were similar to that of previously described ArMV. The best of several comparative purification procedures, in terms of virus yield, involved blending tissue in phosphate buffer and chloroform and concentrating the virus by ultracentrifugation. A rabbit injected with purified virus produced antisera with a titer of I:1,024. About 60% of the RNA was recovered when extracted using both sodium dodecylsulfate and phenol. Base ratio of the RNA was A = 24.9%, C = 25.6%, G = 21.6%, and U = 27.9%.

Additional keywords: double-diffusion serology, electron microscopy.