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Phytopathology September, 1985
Volume 75, Number 9

American Phytopathological Society Board & Staff.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Francis Alexander Laviolette, 1919-1984. Kirk L. Athow and T. Scott Abney. Page 969. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Seasonal Variation in Susceptibility of Juglans hindsii and Paradox Rootstocks of English Walnut Trees to Phytophthora citricola. M. E. Matheron, S. M. Mircetich. Pages 970-972. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Influence of Flooding Duration on Development of Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot of Juglans hindsii and Paradox Walnut Rootstocks. M. E. Matheron, S. M. Mircetich. Pages 973-976. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


Pathogenicity and Relative Virulence of Phytophthora spp. from Walnut and Other Plants to Rootstocks of English Walnut Trees. M. E. Matheron, S. M. Mircetich. Pages 977-981. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Field Assessment of Fitness of Isolates of Phytophthora infestans. P. W. Tooley, W. E. Fry. Pages 982-988. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

The Effect of Iron and Boron Amendments on Infection of Bean by Fusarium solani. Daniel Guerra, Anne J. Anderson. Pages 989-991. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

Responses of Bean to Root Colonization With Pseudomonas putida in a Hydroponic System. Anne J. Anderson, Daniel Guerra. Pages 992-995. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Influence of Simulated Acidic Rain on Phytophthora cinnamomi and Phytophthora Root Rot of Blue Lupine. S. R. Shafer, R. I. Bruck, and A. S. Heagle. Pages 996-1003. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Epidemiology of Phytophthora Root Rot of Fraser Fir: Root Colonization and Inoculum Production. K. M. Reynolds, D. M. Benson, and R. I. Bruck. Pages 1004-1009. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Epidemiology of Phytophthora Root Rot of Fraser fir: Estimates of Rhizosphere Width and Inoculum Efficiency. K. M. Reynolds, D. M. Benson, and R. I. Bruck. Pages 1010-1014. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Isolation and Characterization of a Metalaxyl-Insensitive Isolate of Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis. J. P. Stack, R. L. Millar. Pages 1014-1019. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE  |  VIEW ERRATUM

Ecology and Epidemiology

Competitive Colonization of Organic Matter in Soil by Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis. J. P. Stack, R. L. Millar. Pages 1020-1025. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE  |  VIEW ERRATUM

Ecology and Epidemiology

Relative Survival Potential of Propagules of Phythophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis. J. P. Stack and R. L. Millar.  Pages 1025-1031. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE   |  VIEW ERRATUM


Evaluation for Bacterial Blight Resistance in Beans. M. Zapata, G. F. Freytag, and R. E. Wilkinson. Pages 1032-1039. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Influence of Root Rot on Winter Survival and Yield of Winter Barley and Winter Wheat. J. A. Frank. Pages 1039-1041. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Effects of Phosphorous Acid and Fosetyl-Al on the Life Cycle of Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. citricola. M. D. Coffey, M. C. Joseph. Pages 1042-1046. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

Influence of Trace Amounts of Cations and Siderophore-Producing Pseudomonads on Chlamydospore Germination of Fusarium oxysporum. Yigal Elad, Ralph Baker. Pages 1047-1052. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecology and Epidemiology

The Role of Competition for Iron and Carbon in Suppression of Chlamydospore Germination of Fusarium spp. by Pseudomonas spp. Yigal Elad, Ralph Baker. Pages 1053-1059. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


A Detached-Leaf Bioassay for Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni. P. S. Randhawa, E. L. Civerolo. Pages 1060-1063. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Disease Control and Pest Management

Further Evidence for the Direct Mode of Action of Fosetyl-Al and Phosphorous Acid. M. E. Fenn, M. D. Coffey. Pages 1064-1068. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE


The Effect of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction on the Isozyme Structure of Populations of Puccinia graminis. J. J. Burdon, A. P. Roelfs. Pages 1068-1073. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Physiology and Biochemistry

Extracellular Proteins Associated with Induction of Differentiation in Bean Rust Uredospore Germlings. Lynn Epstein, Lucille Laccetti, R. C. Staples, H. C. Hoch, and Wendy A. Hoose. Pages 1073-1076. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE  |  VIEW ERRATUM


Inheritance of Resistance in Sorghum to Three Pathotypes of Peronosclerospora sorghi. Jeweus Craig, K. F. Schertz. Pages 1077-1078. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE