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Phytopathology September, 1975
Volume 65, Number 9

American Phytopathological Society Board & Staff.  VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Responses of Crown Gall Tissue to Gravity Compensation. S. J. Kleinschuster, B. L. Baker, and Ralph Baker. Pages 931-935. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

The Physiological Basis of Carboxin Sensitivity and Tolerance in Ustilago hordei. Y. Ben- Yephet, A. Dinoor, and Y. Henis. Pages 936-942. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Model for Yield Loss Determination of Bacterial Blight of Field Beans Utilizing Aerial Infrared Photography Combined With Field Plot Studies. V. R. Wallen, H. R. Jackson. Pages 942-948. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Serological Detection of Seed-Borne Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus by a Simplified Radial-Diffusion Technique. S. A. Slack, R. J. Shepherd. Pages 948-955. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Field Screening of Sugarcane for Eye Spot Resistance. Jack L. Dean, Jimmy D. Miller. Pages 955-958. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Pathogenic Races of Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae on Apple. Herb S. Aldwinckle. Pages 958-961. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Microdensitometer Measurements of Sequential Aerial Photographs of Field Beans Infected with Bacterial Blight. H. R. Jackson, V. R. Wallen. Pages 961-968. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Genetics of Stem Rot Resistance in Rice and Virulence in Sclerotium oryzae. S. A. Ferreira, R. K. Webster. Pages 968-971. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

The Relationship of Sporulation, Sclerotia Production, and Growth Rate to Virulence and Fitness of Sclerotium oryzae. S. A. Ferreira, R. K. Webster. Pages 972-976. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Nitidulid Beetles as Vectors of Monilinia fructicola in California Stone Fruits. K. G. Tate, Joseph M. Ogawa. Pages 977-983. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effect of Soil pH on Susceptibility of Peach to Pseudomonas syringae. D. J. Weaver, E. J. Wehunt. Pages 984-989. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Pathogenicity of Phytophthora cactorum Isolates from New York Apple Trees and Other Sources. Herb S. Aldwinckle, F. J. Polach, W. T. Molin, and R. C. Pearson. Pages 989-994. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Development and Nuclear History of the Teliospores of Urocystis colchici. R. L. Grayson, M. L. Lacy. Pages 994-999. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Detection of a Latent Infectious Agent That Protects Against Infection by Chrysanthemum Chlorotic Mottle Viroid. R. K. Horst. Pages 1000-1003. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Characteristics of Colombian Isolates of Pseudomonas solanacearum from Tobacco. G. A. Granada, Luis Sequeira. Pages 1004-1009. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Monitoring Erwinia amylovora Populations on Apple in Relation to Disease Incidence. T. B. Sutton, A. L. Jones. Pages 1009-1012. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Inoculation of Brazilian Sour Orange Seed with an Endomycorrhizal Fungus. M. J. Hattingh, J. W. Gerdemann. Pages 1013-1016. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effect of Carbofuran Treatment on Corn Yield, Maize Chlorotic Dwarf and Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Diseases, and Leafhopper Populations. C. W. Kuhn, M. D. Jellum, and J. N. All. Pages 1017-1020. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Ecofallow Reduces Stalk Rot in Grain Sorghum. Ben Doupnik, Jr., M. G. Boosalis, Gail Wicks, and Darryl Smika. Pages 1021-1022. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Simple Method for Determining Efficacy and Weatherability of Fungicides on Foliage. W. H. Ko, Hsin-hsiung Lin, and R. K. Kunimoto. Pages 1023-1025. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Effects of Cronartium ribicola on Soluble Sugars in Pinus monticola Bark. Bruce L. Welch, Neil E. Martin. Pages 1025-1026. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Method of Quantifying Numbers of Microsclerotia of Verticillium albo-atrum in Cotton Plant Tissue and in Pure Culture. S. D. Tsai, D. C. Erwin. Pages 1027-1028. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Phytophthora Stem Blight of Cajanus cajan. F. J. Williams, K. S. Amin, and B. Baldev. Pages 1029-1030. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Evaluation of the Use of Charcoal in the Study of Soil Fungistasis. W. H. Ko, F. K. Hora. Pages 1031-1032. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Chromatographic Estimation of Fungal Mass in Plant Materials. Lung- Chi Wu, M. A. Stahmann. Pages 1032-1034. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Qualitative Method for Detecting Xanthomonas campestris in Crucifer Seed. N. W. Schaad, Robyn Kendrick. Pages 1034-1036. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

A Medium for Enumeration and Isolation of Calonectria crotalariae from Soil. S. C. Hwang, W. H. Ko. Pages 1036-1037. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Compartmentalization of Decay Associated with Fomes annosus in Trunks of Pinus resinosa. Alex L. Shigo. Pages 1038-1039. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Puccinia polysora Epidemics on Maize Associated with Cropping Practice and Genetic Homogeneity. M. C. Futrell. Pages 1040-1042. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE

Influence of Diurnal Temperature Cycles on Infection of Cotton Bolls by Aspergillus flavus. R. G. Gilbert, J. L. McMeans, and R. L. McDonald. Pages 1043-1044. VIEW ABSTRACT  |   VIEW ARTICLE