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Potential Sources of Resistance to Wheat Leaf Rust in 1982 Accessions of USDA World Collection of Wheats. L. E. Browder, USDA-ARS, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506. D. H. Smith, Jr., and L. W. Briggle, USDA-ARS, Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD 20705. Plant Disease 68:450, 1984. Plant Dis. 68:450. Accepted for publication 10 February 1984. Copyright 1984 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-68-450g.

Accessions to the World Collection of Wheats in 1982 were seedling tested to a composite of 20 Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm. cultures having diverse pathogenicity genotypes. The materials were grown at 22 t2 C. The 454 accessions were scored in a 0-9 scale for proportion of profusely sporulating pustules. The data were searched for low score within each Triticum species. Thirty-seven accessions of T. aestivum L. were scored I or 0. Many of the 37 were either breeding materials from U.S. programs or commercial cultivars. However. accessions PI 458547, PI 442910, PI 461515, P1462231, P1462232, PI 462319, PI 442061, PI 442908, PI 436420, and PI 462160, not known to be in U.S. programs, had scores of I or lower. Of the six T. durum Desf. accessions included, Oviachic 65 had a low score of 3. These accessions represent potential sources of resistance to wheat leaf rust. Further information and seed can be obtained from the authors.