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Screening for Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum is Soybean. S. Leath, Graduate Assistant, Department of Plant Science, University of Delaware, Newark 19711. R. B. Carroll, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science, University of Delaware, Newark 19711. Plant Dis. 66:1140-1143. Accepted for publication 22 April 1982. Copyright 1982 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-66-1140.

Soybeans (Glycine max) infected with Fusarium oxysporum yielded up to 59% less than uninfected controls in field studies at Georgetown and Newark, DE. Of 10 cultivars tested, York was among the most resistant and gave the highest percentage of uninoculated yield at both locations. Resistance of F. oxysporum was detected using greenhouse screening techniques, and a rapid test tube screening method was developed that determined resistance levels in 16 days. Cultivars resistant to F. oxysporum were also detected using a mycelium production index. This new method is not destructive and permits saving resistant plants for use in a breeding program.
