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Duration of the Stages of Cadang-Cadang Disease of Coconut Palm. B. Zelazny, UNDP/FAO Coconut Research and Development Project, Albay Research Center, Guinobatan, Albay 4908, Philippines. B. S. Niven, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide, South Australia 5064. Plant Dis. 64:841-842. Copyright 1980 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-64-841.

The time between the first appearance of the symptoms of cadang-cadang disease and the death of a palm was indirectly estimated by recording changes in the disease status of 8,786 palms at 6-mo intervals for 3 yr and by assuming a constant rate of infection. The disease was estimated to last 7.5 yr in 22-yr-old palms and 15.9 yr in 44-yr-old palms. However, changes in the infection rate apparently affected the accuracy of estimates.