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Distribution of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Quebec Apple Orchards. T. C. Vrain, Nematologist, Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Vancouver, B.C. B6T 1X2. G. L. Rousselle, Pomologist, Research Station, Agriculture Canada, St. Jean, Quebec. Plant Dis. 64:582-583. Copyright 1980 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-64-582.

In a survey of apple orchards in southeastern Quebec in 1978, 351 soil samples were collected from 71 orchards in nine counties. Species in eight genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were found. Species of Pratylenchus, Paratylenchus, and Xiphinema were detected most frequently. Pratylenchus penetrans or Pratylenchus crenatus were found in all 71 orchards, at densities greater than 33/100 cm3 of soil in 58% of infested samples. Xiphinema americanum was found in 88% of the orchards.