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Poster: Diseases of Plants: Disease Detection & Diagnosis


Raspberry leaf curl disease
P. DI BELLO (1), A. Diaz-Lara (2), R. Martin (3) (1) Oregon State University, U.S.A.; (2) Oregon State University`, U.S.A.; (3) USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Unit, U.S.A.

Raspberry leaf curl disease (RLCD) was first reported in the late 19th century in eastern Canada and northeastern U.S. and is a sporadic destructive disease of red raspberry. Symptoms include leaf curling, leaf distortion, leaf chlorosis, shoot dwarfing, and shoot proliferation. Infected plants produce crumbly, unmarketable fruit, show severe decline within a few years and are much more susceptible to winter injury, which can kill infected plants. RLCD is vectored by the aphid Aphis rubicola in a persistent manner. Based on transmission properties it is suspected RLCD is caused by a virus or virus complex. To determine the viral etiology of RLCD, total nucleic acids were extracted from two red raspberry plants showing typical symptoms of RLCD, digested with DNase, rRNA removed and finally subjected to next generation sequencing on the Illumina Miseq platform using the paired end 150 bp kit. Sequences were analyzed with the VirFind pipeline and specific primers were designed to validate potential virus-like sequences. RLCD infected plants were grafted to blackberries and raspberries, and vector studies with aphids were undertaken. The virome of the plants exhibiting RLCD-like symptoms will be presented.